Cycle Day 2013 ride

November 3rd, 2013

I was off the saddle for a few weeks (thanks to my work schedule working with customers all across the world with an (no so) early morning start with Australia and then ending up with California). It was tough to find time for proper 8 hour sleep. Forget the saddle. I was finding occasional 30 […]

BBCh Endurance Race – May 19, 2013

May 23rd, 2013

Cycling scene in Bangalore has grown very much over the last few years. There is no surprise that India’s IT capital is becoming the cycling capital as well. BBCh – or Bangalore Bicycling Championship is a racing forum in Bangalore, formed by various cycling enthusiasts.  BBCh conducts races on the 3rd Sunday of every month […]

Critical Mass Ride – February 2013

February 23rd, 2013

Critical Mass rides are cycling events which happen around the world and often even criticized as a ride to show protest. In Bangalore, at least it is not themed around protest but to demonstrate cycling as an effective way of commuting in Bangalore. Critical mass rides started in Bangalore probably one or two years back, […]

First year of some (serious) cycling – stats

January 16th, 2013

For anything and everything, there is a first. In an attempt to regain fitness and control weight, I chose to cycling and this is how the last year looked like when I started off. 2012 isn’t the year I started cycling, but I can say this is the year I became more serious into cycling […]

First half century ride (metric) completed!

July 7th, 2012

A new found passion, a determination to complete what I failed in, assisted by tailwinds and a bright but chill morning, I achieved an important landmark in my 3rd innings with cycling. Yes, I successfully completed a 50km ride for the first time. After I failed to complete the ambitious half century ride last time, […]

A failed (metric) Half Century ride

June 9th, 2012

A longer ride plan was disturbing me for some time after I was making a number of smaller rides around my layout (hardly making 7km or 12km max). I used to get up late many a time and end up with a smaller ride as a consolation and make myself feel that I did ride. […]

Here comes my Schwinn Sporterra 2012

March 23rd, 2012

This was due the moment I figured out that the Hercules Arrow what I have wasn’t really helping my cause and making me enjoy my rides. Hercules Arrow was my first owned bike, it was bought when I was thinking of getting back to cycling, but thought of something which can be used by my […]

Gearing up my Single Speed Hercules Arrow

February 4th, 2012

I started my third innings of cycling with a 26″ Hercules Arrow MTB which was initially single speed-ed.  Soon I realized that single speed might not help me as a beginner who is reinventing cycling with the sort of terrain Bangalore roads have. I struggled initially, but may be I could have lived with this […]

It all started like this..

November 6th, 2010

I don’t remember when I actually did start cycling, but my vague memory says it must have been when I was in 3rd or 4th standard in my primary school. We were staying as a joint family which included me, my parents, my unlcle(dad’s younger brother) and his family including two sons and his wife, […]