A failed (metric) Half Century ride

June 9th, 2012

A longer ride plan was disturbing me for some time after I was making a number of smaller rides around my layout (hardly making 7km or 12km max). I used to get up late many a time and end up with a smaller ride as a consolation and make myself feel that I did ride. But I was not doing justice to my Schwinn Sporterra, it needed more miles.

So, I chose one weekend, a Sunday for a longer ride, more than my previous best of 32km. In fact my choice of this day for my ride wasn’t very much appropriate, you will know what really happened. I used to ride through Aduru and reach Hennur main road which makes a 28km loop. I didn’t want to enter the same route and end up in another 28k ride, instead wanted to show Siva’s road to my Sporterra. The plan was to ride to OMR, Siva’s road, and take a turn at Budigere towards Bagalur and return home via Hennur main road.

The plan was working till I was reaching Budigere, legs started to pain a little (I have had troubles with my left knee). I continued my ride without overloading my knees which meant that I was spinning more than usual.

Budigere – Bagalur road is very very bad compared to Siva’s road which is well laid out for Airport traffic, which further reduced my energy. I made a number of stops to cool myself and for hydration. I met another rider – Vasu who was from Hennur when I was on the road towards Bagalur. We rode for some distance together before I realized that catching up with his is a bit too much for me considering the climbs and headwinds today. I asked him to carry on and I continued riding slowly.

Some relatives were supposed to reach home and at Bagalur I stopped for some time to give them directions. They were expecting me at home.
I continued to ride and my energy levels were going down, I stopped for some energy through bananas at a shop, while eating bananas, I saw an auto rickshaw coming on that road. I asked him if he can drop me home in Kalyan Nagar, which he agreed.

So partly due to energy and rest due to relatives at home and the time constraint I had to reach home quick, I cut short my ambitious half century ride at that point.

My route for this ride is at http://bit.ly/LLRbkJ

One Response to “A failed (metric) Half Century ride”

  1. […] I failed to complete the ambitious half century ride last time, I was cursing for not completing the last 13km stretch, but there were other reasons […]

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